ABC Of Addressing Nigeria’s Food Challenge

By Iheanyi Ezinwo

Production of food should not be a problem in Nigeria in the 21st Century. From the North to the South; East to the West, Nigeria is blessed with vast land mass and vegetation that supports agricultural initiatives of any magnitude.

However, what has been missing is  willingness on the part of government to prioritize food production. Each government comes  with one  half measure or the other that are unsustainable.

The observed  insensitivity of policy makers to the feelings and  aspirations of Nigerians is the reason why so much has been said, and very little  haa been done to improve the lot of the citizens.

Most Nigerians are hungry because the country is  not producing enough, and we are not producing enough because of lack of commitment  from governments. What we see are release of palliatives and other  handouts that are neither sustainable nor far reaching.

Time has come for Nigerian leaders to prioritise  food production, and avoid  importation of  food items that can be readily produced locally.

All that is required is for each of the 36 states in Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory to look inwards and  identify one product they have comparative advantage to produce, and mobilise resources to do just that.

It is not rocket science but simple logic that, the joint effort of the sub – nationals would  turn the tide in food production in just one year.

The caveat however, is that, the federal government has to wake up to her responsibility of providing security for the citizens to freely go about their businesses.

We have a situation where farmers can no longer plant nor harvest  because of insecurity, an unfortunate situation that has compelled  some observers to accuse    the federal government of paying lip service to the protection of lives and properties of the citizens.

Nobody needs to be told that Nigerians are increasingly becoming restive because of the emergent  harsh economic realities that are making life unbearable for the curizens.

Producing for local consumption and ultimately for export   would facilitate job and wealth reaction, and reduce insecurity in the society. We can do it, if those who have been entrusted with the coon wealth lead the way.

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